
S.T. Gibson

The Summoner’s Circle #1
Publication date: May 28th, 2024
Genre: Adult, Fantasy


The Devil knows your name, David Aristarkhov.

As a teen, David Aristarkhov was a psychic prodigy, operating under the shadow of his oppressive occultist father. Now, years after his father’s death and rapidly approaching his thirtieth birthday, he is content with the high-powered life he’s curated as a Boston attorney, moonlighting as a powerful medium for his secret society.

But with power comes a price, and the Devil has come to collect on an ancestral deal. David’s days are numbered, and death looms at his door.

Reluctantly, he reaches out to the only person he’s ever trusted, his ex-boyfriend and secret Society rival Rhys, for help. However, the only way to get to Rhys is through his wife, Moira. Thrust into each other’s care, emotions once buried deep resurface, and the trio race to figure out their feelings for one another before the Devil steals David away for good…


This book seems more deeply personal than the two previous books I’ve read from Gibson. While I did enjoy this one it wasn’t my favorite – that crown goes to An Education in Malice. That being said, this book is a wildly different kind of book than her previous two. I am hoping that more of the magical side will be brought forward in the next book – it took a backseat to everything going on. David’s possession didn’t really feel as terrifying as I figured it would be and felt a little glossed over other than all of the research.

I honestly can’t recall a book where all three points of view are so, SO incredibly bull-headed. It was quite comical to read and Moira being the voice of reason while staying strong and true to herself was perfect. All of them have their own secrets and baggage but David definitely takes the cake. David and Rhys were interesting enough but I gravitated towards Moira – she definitely reminded me the most of myself.

She was tired of averting her eyes and keeping herself small. She wanted to unfurl her wings and see how far she could fly.

I am excited to see where David, Rhys, and Moira’s story progresses from where the book ended. I can only imagine it gets progressively darker, more dangerous, and more delicious from here on. Especially now that the three have (mostly) worked the kinks out between them and everyone knows where they stand. I would like to thank Angry Robot Books and S.T. Gibson for the opportunity to read this one. I would definitely recommend this to those who love S.T.’s previous works, dark fantasy, LGBTQ+ characters, and the occult.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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